About Us
A group of businessmen who are specialized in foodstuff and fresh fruits and vegetables supply. We had started as employees in a number of international companies located in Egypt, therefore we have more than 17 years of experience. Recently, we realized that we want to become independent in order to expand and build new cultural and trade bridges among Egypt, Czech Republic and the countries of Central Europe. Besides developing close relations, despite differences in language and culture. It is noteworthy that one of the co-founders is living in Czech Republic for seven years. All these matters prompted the establishment of Kemet Global Trading Company.
About the company:
In 2021, Kemet Global Trading Company was founded in Brno, Czech Republic as a procurement services provider It provides a major and sustainable value for companies in purchasing their goods and services from startup and developed markets. Besides granting a comprehensive service to companies in Egypt, Czech Republic and the countries of Central Europe regarding the exportation of the Egyptian-Czech vegetables, fruits and food supply.